Case of Adam Wexler
Musician - Bat Ayin, Israel
Moshav Bat-Ayin, Gush Etzion, Israel
Diaspora Yeshiva Rock Band
"Adam and the Ants" - Minnesota
Moshav Bat-Ayin, Gush Etzion, Israel
Diaspora Yeshiva Rock Band
"Adam and the Ants" - Minnesota
According to reports, after being arrested Adam Wexler confessed to most of the charges relating to raping a eight-year-old girl.
Adam Wexler grew up in Minneapolis He immigrated to Israel in 1990, just prior to the Gulf War, and lives in Gush Etzion.
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Table of Contents:
- Reva L'Sheva's flavor still strong (03/31/2004)
- מוזיקאי חסידי חשוד באונס בת מוזיקאי חסידי חשוד באונס בת (12/24/2004
- Criminal Law (12/26/2004)
- Reva L' Sheva
- Adam Wexler
- Adam Wexler got a 4 year sentence last month (01/18/2006)
Reva L'Sheva's flavor still strong
by Ben Jacobson
The Jerusalem Post - March 31, 2004
Reva L'Sheva
Ten Years
To celebrate 10 years as a band, Reva L'Sheva has released a double live album, almost all recorded in one night in December 2002 at Club Tzora near Beit Shemesh.
Reva L'Sheva is the obvious leading candidate for the title of godfather to the post-Carlebach rock bands, and having lasted 10 years is certainly cause for celebration.
Back in 1994, when Reva L'Sheva first started to gig, it was a tight outfit known for long guitar jams and fierce rhythms. As the years went by, however, the band's sound became significantly lighter and more digestible, but as Ten Years proves, Reva L'Sheva's original flavor is still strong.
Fronted by Shlomo Carlebach disciple Yehudah Katz, Reva L'Sheva has changed lineups a great deal over the years, but the 2002 incarnation is seasoned and tight. Adam Wexler remains one of the most skilled and creative bassists in the genre, and Danny Roth's drumming is as solid as ever. Chanan Elias is most noticeable on this recording in his role as backup vocalist, but the atmosphere and occasional solos we hear from his keyboard contribute as well.
"Mizmor L'David" is given the space-out-jam treatment, complete with atmospheric fiddle effects. Considered by many to be the cornerstone of any Reva L'Sheva show, "M'heirah" here is thumping as ever.
Overall, as with many two-CD sets, it's possible that a one-CD version would have made for a more consistent experience, but there are enough highlights here to keep us interested, and besides, Ten Years deserves to be the document of an entire concert.
Hatuna Milechatchila:
Live in Concert
Soulfarm is known in Jewish rock circles for bringing a world beat to Hassidic niggunim.
The Lechatchila Band does the opposite. Hailing from South America, they already reside in the world of multiple percussionists, wall-of-ethnic-sound orchestration and complex rhythm structures. Lechatchila's world beat rock approach to Carlebach and other Hassidic standards has tremendous authenticity lechatchila, to begin with.
A whirlwind journey through all your favorite simcha songs, with some surprises, Hatuna Milechatchila: The Lechatchila Band Live in Concert is the group's only official release. The album is built in three sections: To the Huppa, Medley A and Medley B, sending us on a journey through a full 28 songs in less than an hour. The band wastes no time setting moods, preferring to get down to rocking ethnic niggun business.
As tight as the result is, Lechatchila can't resist indulging every few minutes in a furious percussion jam (courtesy of kit drummer Yaniv Cohen and hand percussionist Eli Tzvik), or in a duel between electric violinist Nir Sarussi and guitarist Chaim Bergil, who trade fiery licks. It is the jamming that lets this recording capture the intoxicatingly upbeat energy of the live performance.
מוזיקאי חסידי חשוד באונס בת 8 | |
אדם וקסלר, אזרח אמריקני בן 48 מהמושב בת-עין שבגוש עציון, נאשם ב-3 מעשי אינוס, מעשים מגונים ומעשים מגונים בכוח שביצע לכאורה בשכנתו, לפני כ-9 שנים; הפרקליטות: הוא הודה ברוב המעשים. |
לבית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים הוגש (יום ה', 23.12.04) כתב אישום נגד אדם וקסלר, חבר בלהקה החסידית "רבע לשבע", המואשם בשלושה מעשי אינוס, מעשים מגונים ומעשים מגונים בכוח שביצע לכאורה בשכנתו, ילדה כבת 8, לפני כ-9 שנים. בית המשפט ידון היום גם בבקשה הפרקליטות לעצור את וקסלר עד תום ההליכים המשפטיים נגדו.
וקסלר, אזרח אמריקני בן 48 מהמושב בת-עין שבגוש עציון, נאשם בביצוע מעשים שאירעו בשנים 94'-95', במתלוננת שהיא כיום בת 17 וחצי.
"גרר אותה למחסן"
בכתב האישום שהגיש עו"ד טל ויסמן-בן שחר מפרקליטות מחוז ירושלים, נטען כי באותה עת נהגה המתלוננת ללכת עם חברתה פעמיים בשבוע לשיעורי בלט. באחת הפעמים, לאחר שנפרדה מחברתה וביקשה לעלות לביתה, חסם וקסלר את דרכה ומנע ממנו לעלות לדירה. הוא תפס אותה במותניה, משך אותה לכיוון המחסן של הבניין ונעל את הדלת.
על-פי הנטען, וקסלר השכיב אותה על מזרן במחסן, ליטף את רגליה ואת איבר מינה וביצע בה מין אוראלי ומעשים מגונים נוספים. לאחר כמה דקות, הלביש אותה ונתן לה לצאת מהמחסן. הפרקליטות טוענת, כי המקרה האמור אירע פעמיים-שלוש בשבוע במשך תקופה של כמה חודשים. באחת הפעמים, שאירעה כשנה לאחר מכן, הוא אף החדיר את אצבעו לתוך איבר מינה והכאיב לה.
"החדיר אבצע וגרם לשטפי דם"
מעשים אלה, כך נטען בכתב האישום, חזרו על עצמם במשך שנה נוספת, עד לסוף שנת 96', בתדירות שבין פעם בשבוע לפעם בשבועיים, כאשר בשלושה מקרים וקסלר גם החדיר את אצבעו לאיבר מינה, כשהוא גורם לה לשטפי דם.
במקרה אחר, כך נטען, אימה של המתלוננת שלחה אותה לביתו של השכן וקסלר כדי להביא דבר מה. וקסלר פתח לה את הדלת, והכניס אותה לאחד החדרים שבדירתו. הילדה הצליחה להימלט, אולם הוא הצליח לגבור עליה בכוחו והחזיר אותה לחדר. כשזו החלה לבכות, הוא התנצל בפניה וליטף את ירכיה, עד שלבית נכנסה בתו של וקסלר, אז הוא שחרר את הילדה.
בבקשה למעצר עד תום ההליכים טוענת הפרקליטות, כי וקסלר מודה ברוב המעשים המיוחסים לו. לטענתה, הוא "מסוכן לשלום הציבור - לשלומה של המתלוננת בפרט ולשלומם של קטינים בכלל". מעבר לכך, מאחר שוקסלר מצוי הרבה בחו"ל לצורך פרנסתו, קיים חשש כי החלטה שלא לעצרו עד תום ההליכים או שלא לשחררו בערבות בתנאים מגבילים מכבידים, יקלו עליו להימלט מן הדין.
Criminal Law
Hasidic Musician suspected in the rape of girl age 8
By Noam Sharbit
MSN News (Hebrew) - NFC (News First Class) - December 23, 2004
(Translation from Hebrew to English by San and Avraham Sonenthal)

The prosecution: He has confessed to most of the charges.
The district court in Jerusalem presented (Thursday, 23 December 04) a written indictment against Adam Wexler, member of the Hasidic band "Quarter to Seven" (Reva l'Sheva), who is accused of 3 counts of rape, depraved acts and forced depraved acts that he aparently committed against his female neighbor, an 8 year old girl, 9 years ago. The court will decide today on the prosecution's request to detain Wexler until the conclusion of the proceedings against him.
Wexler, 48 year old American citizen from Moshav Bat-Ayin in Gush Etzion, was indicted for acts committed during years 94-95, according to the complainant who is now 17 1Æ2 .
"He dragged her to the storage shed"
In the indictment presented by lawyer Tal Wiseman ben Shachar from the Jerusalem area prosecutors office, it is charged that during that time period the complainant used to go with her friend twice a week for ballet lessons. One of these times, after she left her friend
and sought to go up to her house, Wexler blocked her way and prevented her from entering her home. He grabbed her by the waist, and dragged her in the direction of the storage shed of the building and locked the door.
According to the complainant, Wexler forced her down onto a mattress in the storage room, fondled her legs and vagina and did oral sex to her and other depraved acts. After a few minutes, he dressed her and allowed her to leave the storage room. The prosecutor charges that the above mentioned event occurred 2-3 times a week during a several month period. On one of these occasions, he also inserted his finger into her vagina hurting her.
"He inserted his finger and caused me to bleed"
These acts, according to the indictment, continued for an additional year, until the end of '96, at a frequency of between once a week to once in two weeks, during which on three separate occasions Wexler also penetrated her vagina with his finger, causing her to bleed.
On another occasion, it is charged, the mother of the complainant sent her to Wexler's house to pick something up, Wexler opened the door, put her in one of the rooms of his house, and she managed to escape but he overpowered her and returned her to the room. When she started to cry he apologized to her and started fondling her thighs, until Wexler's daughter entered the home, at which time he released the girl.
In the request of the prosecution for detention until the conclusion of the proceedings the prosecutor maintains that Wexler confessed to most of the acts attributed to him. According to the request, he is a "...danger to public safety – to the safety of the complainant particularly and to the safety of children in general". On the other hand, since he often has to travel outside the country because of his livelihood, there is a danger that a decision not to detain him until the end of the proceedings or release him without sever restrictions and conditions, will make it easy for him to escape justice.
Reva L' Sheva bios.phpg
Adam grew up in Minnesota. At age nine he formed his first rock band "Adam and the Ants". By age 10 he had already performed with Frank Sinatra, as well as the pop greats "The Four Seasons". Traveling all over the world, Adam suddenly found himself in Israel. One day he passed by Har Tziyon (Mt. Zion) and stuck his head into the court yard of the Diaspora Yeshiva. At that very moment he overheard someone placing an advertisement in Rolling Stone Magazine seeking a bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Rock Band. Adam auditioned, got the gig and was the star bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Band. Later, he left Israel to pursue a playing career with American rock stars, among them Bobby Rifkin of the Prince Band. Ten years ago he returned to Israel with his family.
Adam Wexler
Organisation: Reva L'Sheva

Adam Wexler got a 4 year sentence last month
18/01/2006 4 שנות מאסר לחבר להקה חסידית אדם וקסלר שהורשע בביצוע מעשים מגונים בילדה בית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים גזר היום 4 שנות מאסר בפועל על סולן הלהקה החסידית רבע לשבע, אדם וקסלר, שהורשע בביצוע מעשים מגונים בילדה בת 7. בנוסף הורה בית המשפט לפצות את הילדה ב- 80 אלף שקל.
Decmeber, 2004 -- Adam Wexler was accused of 3 counts of rape and forced depraved acts against a 8 year old female neighbor.
Adam Wexler grew up in Minnesota. At age nine he formed his first rock band "Adam and the Ants". By age 10 he had already performed with Frank Sinatra, as well as the pop greats "The Four Seasons". Traveling all over the world, Adam suddenly found himself in Israel. One day he passed by Har Tziyon (Mt. Zion) and stuck his head into the court yard of the Diaspora Yeshiva. At that very moment he overheard someone placing an advertisement in Rolling Stone Magazine seeking a bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Rock Band. Adam auditioned, got the gig and was the star bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Band. Later, he left Israel to pursue a playing career with American rock stars, among them Bobby Rifkin of the Prince Band. Ten years ago he returned to Israel with his family.
Adam Wexler grew up in Minnesota. At age nine he formed his first rock band "Adam and the Ants". By age 10 he had already performed with Frank Sinatra, as well as the pop greats "The Four Seasons". Traveling all over the world, Adam suddenly found himself in Israel. One day he passed by Har Tziyon (Mt. Zion) and stuck his head into the court yard of the Diaspora Yeshiva. At that very moment he overheard someone placing an advertisement in Rolling Stone Magazine seeking a bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Rock Band. Adam auditioned, got the gig and was the star bass player in the Diaspora Yeshiva Band. Later, he left Israel to pursue a playing career with American rock stars, among them Bobby Rifkin of the Prince Band. Ten years ago he returned to Israel with his family.
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