Lord Janner: My friend Michael Jackson
Jewish Chroicle - June 26, 2009
Leading Jewish peer Lord Janner spoke today about his sorrow at the
death of Michael Jackson, whom he regarded as "delightful company" and a
good friend.
Lord Janner was introduced to the singer by psychic Uri Geller.
"He came to Parliament in 2002 and I showed him round," Lord Janner
recalled. "He had come to the UK to help fund-raise for Exeter Football
Club, which Uri chaired.
"I showed him all around the Lords; it was a Friday and the staff
were thrilled. When we got to the place where the Queen sits when she
opens Parliament, he looked at the chair and then turned to his
assistant. He said: 'I want one exactly like that for my home.'"
Lord Janner said he had not been familiar with Jackson's music when
they first met but had had the opportunity to see him in California at
Universal Studios. "We had dinner together and then I watched him dance.
He was an incredible dancer. It was absolutely astonishing."
The peer said he would miss the entertainer, whose death was announced today.
Known Pedophile is Instrumental in Promoting Holocaust Hoaxer and Plagiarizer Denis Avey's New Book
By Carolyn Yeager
CarolynYeager.net - October 10, 2011
Janner, now Lord Janner of Braunstone, stands accused of pedophilia
during the trial of Frank Beck in 1991. Janner, a well-known and
well-connected British Jew, and a Labour MP from 1970 to 1997, has never
answered the charges.
This is according to the C.H.R.I.S.-UK (Children Have Rights in Society) website in a copyrighted 2010 report. It tells us that Greville Janner, along with being the
Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the President of the
Commonwealth Jewish Council, a former President of the Board of Deputies
of British Jews and Vice President of the World Jewish Congress, is
also a member of the Magic Circle and of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
I wrote about this man and showed a picture of him in my article of April 28, "Why the BBC and Labor Government Cynically Backed the Denis Avey Holocaust Hoax, and Why They Won't Let It Go." Here are two other pictures of him.
Francis Lawrence, founder of the Campaign for Decency, wrote this about Janner in 2005:
is a child molester well known to the police. An active file on his
activities has been maintained at Scotland Yard since even before the
eruption of the Leicester Children's Home scandal of 1991 … JANNER
used the device of a "Personal Statement" to deny all the accusations
against him. Statements to the House of Commons of this kind, apart from
being covered by Parliamentary privilege, are exempt from the usual interjections *and questions* from other MPs.
After making his statement JANNER was invited by the press to answer
their questions *outside* the privileged confines of the House. He refused to do so, and refused to explain why.
Thus it may be seen that his subsequent claims to have been "cleared by
Parliament of all accusations" is utterly untrue. JANNER ducked a
genuine opportunity to clear his name by taking legal action against his
former victim who, as a grown man, has re-iterated his evidence outside
the protection of the witness box.
Instead of quitting
public life, JANNER simply kept his head down for a while. Now, in the
mistaken belief that the dust from the Frank Beck affair has settled,
JANNER has had the impudence to take a leading role in the crusade to
recover “Holocaust Loot” allegedly held in Swiss banks.
Frances Lawrence Campaign for Decency
Hon. Secretary: Andrew Hillier
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP, England
Tel. 0171-798-2259
What the CHRIS website tells us about Greville Janner is mind-blowing! Here is the story:
1991, Frank Beck accused Janner of pedophilic behavior with a teenager
who was in his (Beck's) care as warden of the Leicester Children's Home.
But it was Beck who was arrested and charged with the sexual and
physical abuse of children in his care over a thirteen-year period. At
his trial Beck stated that: "One child has been buggered and abused for
two solid years by Greville Janner".
was referring to Paul Winston, who was just thirteen years old when he
and Janner first met. Though Winston was able to describe Janner's home,
the hotel rooms they had shared, and Janner's habits and person in
detail, the
Director of Public Prosecutions, Alan Green, also a Jew, let it be
known that "for lack of evidence," Janner would not be prosecuted.
Green himself was arrested for kerb-crawling (cruising red-light
districts for solicitation of prostitutes) in Kings Cross a little while
later. Furthermore, Green had come to the attention of the police
previously for this same misdemeanour and was quietly given a formal
warning. The scandal prompted his resignation from public office and the
suicide of his wife.
court, Paul Winston, who was, at the time of Beck's trial, a married
man with children, stood up for Beck, as did several other witnesses,
paying credit to his achievements and behavior, and confirming his
testimony against Janner. Winston testified he was invited to Janner's
home near Golders Green as a 13-year old, whilst Janner's wife was away,
and this led to his sharing Janner's bed where they "cuddled and
fondled each other." Thereafter Winston testified that, over the next
two years, he was regularly sodomised by Janner.
discovered what had been going on after Winston was put into his care,
at which point he informed his superiors at Leicester Social Services.
At one point, Janner visited the care home with a new bicycle for Paul
but Beck denied him entry and would not allow the gift to be passed on.
This was confirmed by another witness at the trial.
though Winston testified that Beck had counseled him over his
relationship with the MP, and had brought the affair to an end, and had
also had a beneficial effect on his life, Beck was nevertheless found
guilty and sentenced to twenty-four years in prison, with five life
sentences to run concurrently for his "crimes"! What the heck is going
on in English courts, we may well ask.
What is going on seems to be "Jew power", the same kind of Jew power we saw at the Nuremberg Tribunals in 1946. Janner was never brought to court, nor was he ever called upon to testify.
In 1994 at the age of only 52, after a game of badminton, according to
prison officials, Frank Beck died suddenly of a 'heart attack' shortly before his appeal was due to begin. He
was, by all accounts, a fit man at the time of his death. He never
stopped protesting his innocence and Janner's guilt. Of Beck's two main
solicitors, who believed in his innocence, one has since been killed in a
road accident, and the other has been subjected to police harassment on
a major scale.
The report of Beck's untimely death
in The Independent UK on June 2, 1994 contained no mention whatsoever
of Greville Janner. Nor is there any mention of this affair on Janner's
Wikipedia page--suggesting a widespread cover-up by the British-Jewish
Janner made a peer to escape being thrown out by voters
Several years later, in 1997, Janner was ennobled and took the title Baron of Braunstone. The man responsible for ennobling Greville Janner was Tony Blair (former Labor Party Prime Minister). As a member of the House of Lords, who
are appointed essentially by the Sovereign on the recommendation of the
Prime Minister rather than voted in as are the members of the House of
Commons, Janner cannot be removed from office by the people. A "privilege" enjoyed by both Houses is that of freedom from arrest, although it is not total any longer.
him in the House of Lords is believed to have been done for the
protection of Greville Janner, so that he can remain a respectable actor
in British politics and society. We have to assume that Janner donated a
hefty sum to the British Labor Party in order to be recommended for a
peerage. Or did he use blackmail? Gordon Brown is himself accused of
being a pedophile, and Tony Blair accused of covering up for senior
members of his government, no doubt including his Chancellor of the
Exchequer, Brown.
How closely can we connect Avey to Janner?
child molester, Janner, is the man Denis Avey thanked, right after
thanking his wife and Sir Martin Gilbert who wrote the short forward, in
the acknowledgements in his book The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz. He thanks Lord Janner, Karen Pollack and the team at
the Holocaust Education Trust for their "ongoing help and support," and
writes "Their work is beyond value." After Janner, he thanks Gordon
Brown. So not only is Avey a liar and a poseur of the worst sort
because of his made-up stories about his time in the POW camp at
Auschwitz, he has no problem associating himself and getting assistance
from the lowest forms of humanity in the United Kingdom, such as Janner.
It is not reasonable to think that, as a Brit interested in British
politics, he had not heard something about the Janner scandal; certainly
his co-writer Rob Broomby knew all about it. Tellingly, Broomby did not
mention Janner or the HET in his acknowledgements.
no wonder Avey so recklessly accuses innocent people of crimes that
occurred only in his own sick fantasies--he obviously has no standards
or scruples by which he guides his life, in spite of all his talk about
his solid 'country' upbringing in Essex, and being a 'man of principle.'
Avey writes in Chapter One of his book, "I grew up in a world of moral
certainties and I was expected to stand up for what was right. [My
father] taught me to respect humans and animals." What about unprotected
children? It is clear from his show of respect for Greville
Janner and Gordon Brown that Avey is not a man who 'stands up' for what
is right. Instead, he 'stands up' for personal profit and falsely
asserting himself as a 'hero.'
Janner the magician
kind of illusionism did the morally-bankrupt Janner perform to get the
police and prosecutors to refrain from investigating him, and to go
after Frank Beck instead, the CHRIS website asks? It answers that in the
House of Parliament, Janner had simply uttered a general denial,
defamed his principal accuser Paul Winston (behind the protection of
Parliamentary privilege) and whined about his suffering! He was not
asked a single question by any of the Members who heard him, nor did he
have to endure detailed cross-examination as did those who gave evidence
at Beck's trial because he was not called as a witness.
he by any chance assist Avey in his own illusionism of presenting
himself to the British public as a war hero, and a man of grandiose
deeds? Avey has also not been subjected to questioning or any kind of
scrutiny. Those who have come out and said they don't believe him are
quietly ignored by the press and the government hacks who named him a
"Hero of the Holocaust." What a racket! And what a combination these two
men make. Truly, we live in an age of delusion and corruption perhaps
unparalleled in history.
important point I want to make is that this revolting travesty of
justice reveals the connection, in the clearest manner possible, between
the Holocaust and Politics. In the United Kingdom, as similarly in the
United States and the European Union, the Holocaust is used to give
substance and credibility to the most unworthy politicians and political
agendas. This is a scandal that when it really breaks open will reveal
the slimy and deeply evil underbelly of the 'New World Order' created
in 1945-46 with the totally falsified Nuremberg Tribunals and the
on-going show trials that followed. One current example is the John
Demjanjuk show trial which just ended.
closing, I will add that Greville Janner, now Lord Janner of
Braunstone, was born in 1928, married in 1955, and has, with his wife,
three children and six grandchildren. He took over his father Barnett
Janner's Leicester seat in Parliament, and also followed his father as
Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain. A fine British
Galilee school centre name honours Lord Janner
Jewish Chronical - August 30, 2012
A new education centre in the north of Israel is to be named after
the former Labour MP and ex-president of the Board of Deputies, Lord
Israel's ambassador to the UK, Daniel Taub, and members of the UJIA
recommended the veteran Labour peer, now 84, for the honour in
recognition of his work promoting understanding between people of
different faiths.
In a letter to Lord Janner, Mr Taub said: "This is a mark of our
tremendous gratitude and appreciation for all you have achieved in the
course of your long and devoted service to the Jewish state."
The Lord Janner Education Centre in Ma'alot Tarshiha, northern
Galilee, will focus on teaching young children from different
backgrounds lessons that promote tolerance and cultural diversity. The
township is one of the areas supported by the UJIA in Britain.
Its mayor, Shlomo Buhbut, said: "We are proud to acknowledge and to
publicise the significant and important contribution of Lord Janner to
the state of Israel and to the Jewish people."
Mick Davis, chairman of the UJIA, was instrumental in recommending
Lord Janner for the honour and said: "There is no measure great enough
to value the contribution that my dear friend Greville Janner has made
to the Jewish community of Great Britain, the Jewish communities of the
Commonwealth and to the building of the modern state of Israel."
Lord Janner said he was "delighted and very proud to receive this wonderful honour."
Among the many organisations with which he has been involved is the
Coexistence Trust which he co-founded with Jordan's Prince Hassan, to
help governments combat racial and religious intolerance, including
antisemitism and Islamophobia.
Lord Janner honoured by Israel
Jewish Chroicle - November 8, 2012
A jubilant Lord Janner raises a woven artwork made for him by the
children of the Ma’alot Tarshiha kindergarten in the Galileee.
The nursery, attended by Jewish and Arab children, has been named in
Lord Janner’s honour by the state of Israel, to mark his service to the
Jewish community and the state.
At the dedication ceremony, attended by the British ambassador to
Israel, Matthew Gould, the mayor of Ma’alot, Shlomo Buhbut, and the
deputy mayor of Tarshiha, George Ablini, a plaque was unveiled renaming
the school the Lord Greville Janner Education Centre.
Mayor Buhbut said: “ You cannot tell at this kindergarten if a child
is Jewish or Arab. That is what is so wonderful about our town. Lord
Janner, you are not afraid of challenges and building bridges. There is
no better place in Israel than to have our kindergarten named for you.”
Lord Greville Janner's home searched as part of child sex investigations, say police
The Telegraph (UK) - December 20, 2013
Officers from Leicestershire Police spent two days searching Lord Greville Janner's £600,000 apartment in North London
Police have searched the London home of Labour Lord Greville Janner as part of an investigation into historic child sex allegations, it was revealed.
Officers from Leicestershire Police spent two days searching his £600,000 apartment in North London, on Monday and Tuesday.
The 85-year-old former barrister was named Baron Janner of Braunstone, Leicester, in 1997.
The force refused to give details of whether anything was seized but confirmed it was part of an ongoing probe.
A police spokesman said: "Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers executed a search warrant of a property in Barnet, London as part of an ongoing criminal inquiry.
Police investigation child abuse search peer Greville Janner’s home
By Paul Peachy
Independent - December 20, 2013
Police investigating allegations of historic child abuse linked to children’s homes in Leicestershire have searched the home of the Labour peer Greville Janner.
Lord Janner’s legal team confirmed on Friday that he was assisting police with their inquiries after officers reportedly spent several days searching his home in Golders Green, north London.
The 85-year-old, who served as an MP in Leicester for 27 years, has not been arrested and police did not indicate what was taken away from the flat.
The father-of-three was accused of child abuse in a court case in 1991 but was not prosecuted and was given all-party support in the House of Commons when he described his ordeal and said there was “not a shred of truth” in the claims against him.
Lord Janner was named by Frank Beck, a former head of three children’s homes in Leicestershire, who was given five life terms after 200 children complained that they had been abused by him over 13 years to 1986.
A 30-year-old man also gave evidence that he had been abused by Lord Janner when he was in care aged 13. A letter was shown to the jury that was allegedly sent from the MP to the boy.
The prosecution in the case called the claims a red herring and part of “the great Janner diversion” in an attempt to deflect blame from Beck, the court heard.
Lord Janner gave written evidence to the Kirkwood inquiry which looked into wider failures within the care home system. Beck, one of Britain’s most notorious sex offenders, died of a heart attack in 1994 while playing badminton at Whitemoor prison in Cambridgeshire.
Lord Janner was made a life peer in 1997 and is best known for his work to recompense victims of the Holocaust. He chairs the Holocaust Educational Trust and was instrumental in arranging the 1997 London Nazi Looted Gold conference, according to his website. His wife of more than four decades died in 1996.
In a statement, his lawyers WilmerHale said: “Lord Janner has not been arrested but has been assisting the police with their inquiries. We are not able to make any further comment at this time.”
In Golders Green, builders working at a house next to Mr Janner’s home said they saw a number of police cars at the address on Monday and Tuesday this week.
In the Daily Mail, a man who identified himself as Lord Janner’s spiritual healer was quoted as saying the peer was exhausted with the stress of dealing with the police. “He’s old and he needs his rest,” the man said. “I don’t want to say any more.”
Lord Greville Janner's home searched as part of historical sex abuse allegations - police reveal
By Sam Chadderton
Mirror News - December 20, 2013
The 85-year-old Labour peer and former MP was not arrested at his flat and his lawyers said he is "assisting the police with their inquiries”
Police investigating historical sex abuse allegations have searched the home of Labour peer Lord Greville Janner.
The 85-year-old former MP was not arrested in the raid at his flat in Barnet, North London by Leicestershire Police.
A spokesman for the force said: “Officers have executed a search warrant at a property in Barnet, London, as part of an ongoing criminal enquiry.”
Lawyers for Lord Janner said he had been “assisting the police with their inquiries”.
Father-of-three Lord Janner was an MP for Leicester for 27 years.
When he retired in 1997 he became Baron Janner of Braunstone.
He is a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and has helped win compensation for Holocaust victims.
The life peer speaks nine languages and is a member of the Magic Circle.
Lord Greville Janner's Barnet Home Focus of Child Sex Investigation
By Dominic Gover
International Business Times - December 20, 2013
Police officers swooped on the home of a serving Labour peer as part of an investigation in to historic sex crimes.
A property belonging to Lord Greville Janner in Barnet, north London, was the targeted over the allegations in a raid which lasted a full two days.
Police have searched the London home of the Labour Lord as part of an investigation into historic child sex allegations, it was revealed.
Officers from Leicestershire Constabulary carried out the search as part of an "on-going investigation."
A spokesman said: "Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers executed a search warrant of a property in Barnet, London as part of an on-going criminal inquiry. "No arrests have been made at this stage."
Police refused to confirm what the investigation was about. No arrests have been made at this time.
A man identifying himself as a 'spiritual healer' to the peer told reporters at Jennar's £600,000 home: "The Lord won't come to the door. He is exhausted with all the stress of dealing with the police. He's old and needs his rest. I don't want to say any more."
Greville Janner qualified as a lawyer in 1971 and was a Labour MP between 1970 and 1997. He was President of the Board of British Jews and led campaigns to win reparations for the victims of Nazism and identifying mass graves. He has been Lord Janner of Braunstone, Leicester, since 1997.
Lord Janner's home searched in child abuse probe
BBC - December 20, 2013
The London home of Lord Janner has been searched as part of an inquiry into allegations of child abuse, Leicestershire Police has confirmed.
He has not been arrested and has not been interviewed under caution.
Leicestershire Police said it had "executed a search warrant at a property in Barnet, north London, as part of an ongoing criminal inquiry".
Greville Janner was a Labour MP for 27 years, in Leicester North West and then Leicester West.
His lawyers said in a statement: "Lord Janner has not been arrested but has been assisting the police with their inquiries.
"We are not able to make any further comment at this time."
The Cambridge graduate stood down as an MP in 1997 and was subsequently made a life peer.
Lord Janner, a father of three, is a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
He is also chairman of the Holocaust Education Trust.
Police raid home of Labour Lord as part of historic sex abuse probe and spend two days searching his £600,000 apartment
By Lizzie Parry
Daily Mail - December 20, 2013
- Officers raided the home of Lord Greville Janner of Braunstone, Leicester
- Leicestershire Police spent two days searching his flat in Barnet
- Spokesman said no arrests have been made in connection with the raid
- Neighbour describes seeing police 'coming and going' for days
- Lawyers for the peer say he is helping police with their inquiries
Police officers have raided the London home of Labour Lord Greville Janner, as part of an 'on-going criminal investigation' in to historic sex abuse allegations, it has emerged.
Officers from Leicestershire Police spent two days searching the peer's £600,000 apartment in Barnet, north London.
The force refused to give details of what was seized at the 85-year-old's home but confirmed it is part of an on-going probe.
It is understood the investigation is into allegations of historic sex abuse.
A police spokesman said: 'Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers executed a search warrant of a property in Barnet, London as part of an ongoing criminal inquiry.
'No arrests have been made at this stage.'
The former barrister was named Baron Janner of Braunstone, Leicester in 1997.
The peer's lawyers WilmerHale said in a statement, that Lord Janner is helping police officers with their inquiries.
The statement said: 'Lord Janner has not been arrested but has been assisting the police with their inquiries. We are not able to make any further comment at this time.'
Builders working on a renovation next door to Janner’s home saw a number of police cars and officers at the address on Monday and Tuesday.
Police search Lord Janner's home in child abuse investigation
By Marcus Dysch
Jewish Chronicle - December 20, 2013
The home of Lord Janner has been searched by police in connection with allegations of historic child abuse.
Leicestershire Police searched a property owned by the former Board of Deputies president in the London borough of Barnet as "part of an ongoing criminal inquiry".
Officers spent two days at the apartment in north-west London earlier this week. Lord Janner has not been arrested or interviewed.
In a statement the peer's lawyer said the 85-year-old was helping police with their inquiries.
Greville Janner QC, Lord Janner of Braunstone, was Labour MP for Leicester West for 27 years before stepping down in 1997. The father-of-three is founding patron of the Holocaust Education Trust.
He has held a number of leading positions on groups serving world Jewry.
Lord Janner is president of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism and the joint founder of the Political Council for Coexistence, a project established in 2005 seeking to further Muslim-Jewish relations.
The Cardiff-born peer is the author of more than 60 books, mainly on employment and industrial relations law, presentational skills and public speaking.
Lord Janner’s home raided in child sex abuse probe
Jewish News (UK) - December 20, 2013
Police have raided the home of former Leicester MP Lord Greville Janner as part of an investigation into historic allegations of sex abuse.
Leicestershire Police confirmed that officers had searched a property in Barnet, north London and said that the Labour peer and co-founder of the Holocaust Educational Trust had not been arrested.
A spokesman said: “Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers have executed a search warrant at a property in Barnet, London, as part of an ongoing criminal enquiry. No arrests have been made at this stage.”
His lawyer, Christopher David of Wilmer Hale, told the Jewish News that the peer had not been arrested and was assisting police with their enquiries.
Lord Janner was an MP for 27 years – first for Leicester North West and then Leicester West – until he retired in 1997. He was made a life peer that year.
The father-of-three is a former president of the Board of Deputies , and has been active in efforts to get compensation for Holocaust victims.
On his website, he says he speaks nine languages and is a member of the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Former Leicester MP Lord Greville Janner’s home searched in child abuse probe
By Ciarangagen
Leicester Mercury - December 21, 2013
Police have searched the London home of Leicester peer Greville Janner as part of an investigation into alleged historical child abuse.
Formally known as Lord Janner of Braunstone, the ex-Leicester West MP’s home in Barnet was visited by Leicestershire officers this week.
It is understood the search was connected to an inquiry into historical allegations of child abuse.
The allegations date back several decades, the Leicester Mercury understands. Leicestershire Police confirmed that officers had travelled to the capital on Monday and that the peer’s flat had been searched over the course of two days – Monday and Tuesday.
The force said the 85-year-old has not been arrested and has not been interviewed under caution.
A force spokesman said: “Leicestershire Police can confirm its officers have executed a search warrant at a property in Barnet, London, as part of an ongoing criminal inquiry.
“No arrests have been made at this stage.”
The force said it could not release any further details.
The Leicester Mercury contacted Lord Janner’s office in the House of Lords, but there was no answer.
Lord Janner was a Labour MP in the Leicester North West constituency, which later became Leicester West, between 1970 and 1997, when he retired and was appointed to the House of Lords as a life peer.
A Cambridge University and Harvard Law School-educated barrister, Lord Janner is a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and has been involved in efforts to seek compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims.
Police investigate former Thatcher Cabinet minister over child sex abuse
Herald (Scotland) - December 22, 2013
A former Cabinet minister in Margaret Thatcher's government is being investigated in connection with historic child sex offences and is facing arrest in the near future, the Sunday Herald has learned.
The former Tory politician is being investigated by detectives leading Operation Fernbridge, which is investigating claims that political figures and others sexually abused boys at various locations in England.
There have already been two arrests: one, a former care-home boss, and the other a Roman Catholic priest.
Scotland Yard said last night that the charges related to seven victims aged between nine and 15, with the alleged offences dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. A third, unnamed man was interviewed but later released with no further action taken.
The Thatcher-era Cabinet minister is believed to be the highest-profile target of Operation Fernbridge detectives.
One source close to Operation Fernbridge said last night: "When it comes to who is involved, the police do not care how important or high profile they are - these people will not be getting away with it any longer."
Operation Fernbridge is a consequence of long-circulating rumours and claims by victims that senior members of the British establishment were involved in the organised sexual abuse of vulnerable children. Concerns gathered momentum when Labour MP Tom Watson - well known for revelations about the Murdoch press and phone hacking - suggested in the House of Commons that a powerful paedophile network may have operated in Britain, protected by its connections to Parliament and Downing Street.
Watson pointed to the 1992 prosecution of Peter Righton, a former consultant to the National Children's Bureau and lecturer at the National Institute for Social Work in London. Righton was convicted of importing child pornography. He was also a member of the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which lobbied for the lowering of the age of consent.
Another former leading member of PIE was Sir Peter Hayman, a British diplomat later jailed. Hayman was alleged to be one of a number of high-profile visitors to a property now under investigation, as was the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith, who was unmasked as a paedophile after his death.
Speaking in the Commons, Watson told MPs: "The evidence file used to convict Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring ... The leads were not followed up, but if the files still exist, I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it, and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10."
Watson decided to speak out after being contacted by a former child protection specialist with detailed knowledge of the Righton case. Prime Minister David Cameron responded saying Watson had raised a "very difficult and complex case". Details of the alleged crimes of the former Tory Cabinet minister are believed to have been passed to Watson in the wake of his comments in the House of Commons.
The claims came just a day after the home of Labour peer and former MP Lord Greville Janner was searched by police investigating allegations of historic child abuse. The search on Janner's home and Operation Fernbridge are, however, not connected. Janner was not arrested. Officers reportedly spent several days searching his home in Golders Green, London.
The father-of-three was accused of child abuse in a court case in 1991 but was not prosecuted. He received all-party support in the House of Commons when he described his ordeal and said there was "not a shred of truth" in the claims.
Last night, a source close to Operation Fernbridge said: "Police and MI5 knew about the allegations involving [the former Tory Cabinet minister] years ago. He's already been spoken to by police. I'd expect an arrest in the near future.
"If the arrest happens - and I trust it will - it means that there has been a massive cover-up for decades at the heart of British politics. An arrest would blow this apart. We're at a watershed moment. The public must know."
One of the alleged victims of the Thatcher-era Cabinet minister is believed to be so "damaged", however, that he would be unfit to take the stand in any criminal case.
A political source said last night: "It is thought there is lots of intelligence, but it is not yet high enough to reach the bar for an arrest to be made. There's lots of circumstantial evidence that needs further inquiry." The source added that he knew the former Cabinet minister is being investigated by the police, but could not confirm that an arrest was imminent.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said no comment could be made on the likelihood of future arrests under Operation Fernbridge.
Lord Janner evidence considered in child abuse probe
BBC News Leicester - April 30, 2014
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is considering evidence against Lord Janner as part of an inquiry into allegations of historical child abuse.
The London home of the 85-year-old peer, who was a Labour MP in Leicester for 27 years, was searched in December.
Police have said he has not been arrested and the BBC understands he has not even been interviewed.
The investigation is linked to Frank Beck, who was found guilty of abusing children in the 1970s and 1980s.
Beck, who was convicted of sexually and physically abusing more than 100 children, ran children's homes in Leicestershire.
He was given five life prison sentences and died in jail.
Greville Janner was Labour MP for Leicester North West and then Leicester West.
Leicestershire Police have submitted a file to the CPS and have been taking advice on moving the investigation forward.
Detectives executed a search warrant at a property in Barnet, north London, in December.
The Cambridge graduate stood down as an MP in 1997 and was subsequently made a life peer.
Lord Janner, a father of three, is a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
He is also chairman of the Holocaust Education Trust.
Police send Lord Janner file to Crown Prosecution Service
By Marcus Dysch
Jewish Chronicle - April 30, 2014
A police investigation into allegations of historic child abuse against Jewish peer Lord Janner has moved forward.
Leicestershire Police announced today that it had submitted evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service for consideration.
In a statement the force said: “Leicestershire Police has been liaising with the Crown Prosecution Service over recent months, and the CPS has been advising on taking the investigation forward.
“We have submitted the evidence gathered so far to the CPS and other enquiries are continuing.
“Support for victims or anyone else affected by child abuse is available 24 hours a day from the NSPCC.”
A property owned by Lord Janner was searched last December as part of an “ongoing criminal inquiry”.
Officers spent two days at the apartment in north-west London. Lord Janner was not arrested or interviewed and his lawyers said the 85-year-old was helping police with the investigation.
Greville Janner QC, Lord Janner of Braunstone, was Labour MP for Leicester West for 27 years before stepping down in 1997. The father-of-three is founding patron of the Holocaust Education Trust.
He has held a number of leading positions on groups serving world Jewry and is a former president of the Board of Deputies.
Leicester peer Greville Janner in child abuse inquiry
Leicester Mercury - May 3, 2014
The Crown Prosecution Service is considering evidence against Leicester peer Greville Janner as part of an inquiry into allegations of historical child abuse.
Leicestershire Police, which is carrying out the investigation, yesterday confirmed it had submitted evidence gathered so far to the CPS and that other inquiries were continuing.
In December, Leicestershire officers searched the peer's home in Barnet, London. The allegations date back several decades, the Mercury understands.
A spokesman said: "Leicestershire Police has been liaising with the Crown Prosecution Service over recent months, and the CPS has been advising on taking the investigation forward. We have submitted the evidence gathered to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and inquiries are continuing."
A CPS spokesman said: "The police have passed us the evidence they have gathered so far based on their investigation, which is ongoing, on which we are able to provide investigative and legal advice, which is quite normal."
Lord Janner was a Labour MP for the Leicester North West constituency, which later became Leicester West, between 1970 and 1997, when he retired and was appointed to the House of Lords as a life peer.
A Cambridge University and Harvard Law School-educated barrister, 85-year-old Lord Janner is a former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and has been involved in efforts to seek compensation and restitution for Holocaust victims.
The Mercury contacted Lord Janner's office, but so far there has been no response.
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