Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is sexual assault awareness month. It's never to early to start planning what your community is going to do to honor those who have already been victimized, and to start educating those who need to learn more. 

Watch the following videos on this link and get inspired.  Then send the information about your event to The Awareness Center and we might be able to include information about the events you're planning on our web page.

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, The Awareness Center is providing the following songs and movie clips available on the internet that are about child sexual abuse, incest and sexual assault. 


From the movie "NUTS" a scene about incest


Here's a clip of the movie "Sybil".  The story of a woman with a multiple personality disorder.


Sinead O'Conner speaking out about clergy sexual abuse on Saturday Night Live



Kris Kristofferson's song about Sinead O'Conner speaking out about clergy sexual abuse.


"Play me backwards"  Joan Baez's song about child sexual abuse / ritual abuse


"Hell is for Children" - Pat Benatar's song about child abuse


"Luka", a song about physical abuse of children by Suzanne Vega


This song is about Domestic Violence and not sexual abuse. The thing is that marital rape is a sex crime so I'm including this song for that reason. It's by Tracy Chapman


Here's another song, which is by the Carpenters. It's not directly about child abuse, yet eludes to it.
Karen Carpenter singing - "Bless the Beast and the Children"



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