Been feeling like journaling lately
rebhershy (rebhershy) wrote
@ 2008-01-24 20:08:00
@ 2008-01-24 20:08:00
ALSO SEE: The Case of Rabbi Hershy Worch
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Rabbi Hershy Worch - Alleged Sexual Predator |
It's been so long since I felt safe I hardly recognize the feeling.
Seriously, since my enemies tried their hardest to crucify me three years ago not a day went by but I dreaded some new infamy.
Evil has many faces, but ugliest is the face of virtue triumphant. It
matters not whether it triumphs like Rabbi Eichenstein who quietly
calls my employer to have me fired, or like Vicki Polin who calls my
ex-wife to say she's talking to 26 women who say I raped them in front
of the children. There's no question in my mind that the worst sins are
those we commit with the Yetzer Tov - Good Inclination. By the way,
Eichenstein discovered I was working for XXXXXXXX XXXXXX Funerals Ltd as
a Shomer - Guardian; someone who sits with the dead. He discovered it
because one of the dead I happened to sit with (reciting the psalms at
his side), was an uncle of his. When the good rabbi saw it was me, he
called the funeral director and had me fired. He also stiffed me for the
$15 an hour I'd earned sitting there all night.
Now I say that having a man fired because you think badly of him,
doesn't make you less of a man. But stiffing the man who sits guarding
the corpse of your uncle, finding an excuse to avoid paying him his fee
after he's done the job, now that makes you a very small man indeed.
The thing is, the really important thing is that Eichenstein's
Shabbes candles burned his house to the ground. Well, his wife put the
tea lights on the plastic tablecloth which ignited when it heated up
sufficiently, to be more precise, but you get the picture. I know which I
prefer, having a mean prick try and burn my livliehood down or have the
Sabbath burn my house down! Sometimes when I'm having sex I think of
Victoria Polin, especially when I'm laughing. Or sometimes when my
breath catches in my throat at the sheer beauty of woman skin or the
perfume of her private places, I catch a glimpse of all the hot laughing
sex Vicki doesn't have a hope of tasting, and I ask myself, who came
out of all this enriched, and who impoverished? It's something to think
about, isn't it?
You know, once a month like a fetish, on the 14th or 15th of the
month, Luke Ford will visit all my web pages looking for only he knows
what. 5 or 6 times in the last two years the 14th and 15th have fallen
on the sabbath. So here's this convert to Judaism, to orthodox judaism
no less, lives on a futon on the floor in a basement somehwere in Los
Angeles, who can't hold back from firing up his computer to go snooping
on the sabbath. Talk about being born again and getting a life!
I shouldn't crow, I suppose. But I feel like crowing, damnit.
Holy Sister Vikele remove me
Live Journal - October 21, 2004
By Hershy Worch
Holy Sister Vikele remove me
Live Journal - October 21, 2004
By Hershy Worch
I would have been satisfied to have Holy Sister Vikele remove me from her awareness website, I would have breathed a sigh of relief, but no longer. No. The website has to come down. Mostly it has to come down because it is a shaming thing, a shameless, shameful thing, an ERVA where vicki exposes her privates and plays with herself in our faces. But, equally important, it is time to celebrate the good things Reb Shlomo Carlebach gave us all. Next week will be his tenth Yahrzeit - Aniversary. Let's celebrate it with the joy it deserves.
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