Case of Rabbi Shalom Nagar
Chief Rabbi - Ariel, Israel
The chief rabbi of the town of Ariel, was arrested for allegedly raping a woman who had turned to him for advice. Nagar, married with children, has served for many years as the chief rabbi of this mainly secular town, the largest Jewish settlement in Samaria.
NOTE: There are several people by the name of Shalom Nagar. This page is about the Chief Rabbi of Ariel, Israel.
A question was asked, yet never answered. Does anyone know if Rabbi Shalom Nagar was the same person who executed Adolph Eichmann on May 31, 1962 in Ramla, Israel?
_______________________________________________________________________________NOTE: There are several people by the name of Shalom Nagar. This page is about the Chief Rabbi of Ariel, Israel.
A question was asked, yet never answered. Does anyone know if Rabbi Shalom Nagar was the same person who executed Adolph Eichmann on May 31, 1962 in Ramla, Israel?
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Table of Contents
- Judea-Samaria Gets First Rabbinical Court (06/21/1992)
- Ariel's Chief Rabbi arrested on charges of rape (08/31/2004)
- Chief rabbi of Ariel arrested on rape charges (08/31/2004)
- Ariel Rabbi charged with rape (08/31/2004)
- Chief Rabbi of Ariel accused of Rape (08/31/2004)
- New Mikvah in Ariel (10/07/2007)
Judea-Samaria Gets First Rabbinical Court
By Fay Cashman
Jerusalem Post. Jerusalem: Jun 21, 1991. pg. 02

Ariel's Chief Rabbi arrested on charges of rape
By Abigail Radoszkowicz
Jerusalem Post - Aug. 31, 2004
The chief rabbi of the town of Ariel, Shlomo Nagar, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly raping a woman who had turned to him for advice.
The chief rabbi of the town of Ariel, Shlomo Nagar, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly raping a woman who had turned to him for advice.
Police spokesman Chief-Superintendent Shlomi Sagi said that the woman's charges had been under investigation for some time.
According to the woman, Nagar had raped her during the counseling session, and sexually harassed her afterwards.
No further details could be released about the case for fear they would reveal the identity of the woman who had brought the charges, said Sagi.
Nagar, married with children, has served for many years as the chief rabbi of this mainly secular town, the largest Jewish settlement in Samaria.
Chief rabbi of Ariel arrested on rape charges
By Itim
Haaretz - Tue., August 31, 2004 Elul 14, 5764
Police allege that Nagar raped the woman and continued to harass her with telephone calls before the woman reported the matter.
Only after the police received the appropriate clearance for cases involving public figures did it open an investigation. The rabbi was taken into custody outside his home and is scheduled to be arraigned later Tuesday.
In a separate case, police Tuesday arrested a 65-year-old Petah Tikva man on suspicion of repeatedly raping a girl he employed in his store over the period of six years.
The suspect, a local store owner who first hired the girl when she was 11 years old, admitted during investigation that he had maintained a relationship with the girl, but denied charges of inappropriate sexual conduct.
His arraignment will be held Tuesday at Petah Tikva district court.
Chief Rabbi of Ariel accused of rape
Maariv - Hebrew edition
August 31, 2004
הרב נעצר בחשד שאנס אישה שהגיעה להתייעץ עמו, ואף הטריד אותה בשיחות טלפון
טל ימין-וולבוביץ'
31/8/2004 10:54
הרב הראשי של אריאל נעצר הבוקר בחשד למעשה אונס באישה שהגיעה לבקש את עזרתו.
האישה, שנזקקה לעזרת הרב, הגיעה בתקופה האחרונה אל משרדו כדי להתייעץ איתו בנושא אישי. על-פי החשד, הרב ניצל את קרבתו לאישה ולאחר הייעוץ, אנס אותה בכוח. הוא לא הסתפק בכך, ואף הטריד אותה בטלפון לאחר המקרה. האישה, שלא יכלה לעמוד בהטרדות, נשברה והתלוננה במשטרה.
למרות התלונה, משטרת יהודה ושומרון לא יכלה לעצור בתחילה את הרב, מאחר שמדובר באישיות ציבורית. רק בהמשך, לאחר שהוצאו אישורים מיוחדים, פתחה המשטרה בחקירה סמויה שבסופה נעצר הרב בסמוך לביתו.
בשעות הצהריים יובא הרב להארכת מעצרו בבית משפט השלום בכפר-סבא. על כל פרטי החקירה הוטל צו איסור פרסום, ו-NRG מעריב הגיש בקשה לבית המשפט להסיר את הצו.
הרב שלמה עמאר, הרב הראשי הספרדי לישראל אמר: "כל זמן שאין שום הוכחה מוצקה, אנחנו בוחרים שלא להגיב".
לא מדובר במקרה ראשון של מעשה מגונה שמיוחס לרב. הרב זאב קופולוביץ, לשעבר ראש ישיבת "נתיב מאיר", הורשע על- פי הודאתו בהטרדות מיניות שביצע בתלמידיו. ונשלח בעיסקת טיעון לשלוש וחצי שנות מאסר.
בשנת 1999 נידון הרב חיים פרדס לשישה חודשי מאסר בפועל לאחר שהורשע בביצוע מעשים מגונים בנשים, מירמה והפרת אמונים.
Translated to English using Google Translate
Great city of Ariel suspected of rape
Rabbi arrested for allegedly raping a woman who came to consult him , and harassed her with phone calls
Phone right - and Mabovich
31/08/2004 10:54
Chief Rabbi Ariel was arrested this morning on suspicion of raping a woman actually came to ask for his help.
The woman , who needed the aid of the rabbi, recently came to his office to consult him on the subject personally. The - allegedly used the proximity to great woman and consultation , raped her by force. Is not satisfied , and harassed her on the phone after the incident . The woman , who could not stand the harassment , broke down and complained to the police.
Despite the complaint, Judea and Samaria police could not stop the rabbi first , since it is a public personality . Only later , after the special permits issued , the police arrested an undercover investigation after which Rabbi near his home.
Afternoon will be great to extend his detention in the village magistrate - Grandpa. The details of the investigations imposed the gag order , and NRG Ma'ariv applied to the court to remove the order.
Rabbi Shlomo Amar , the Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel said : "As long as there is no solid proof , we choose not to respond."
This is not the first case of indecent acts attributed to Rabbi . Rabbi Zev Kopolovitz , former head of Yeshivat "Path Meir " , was convicted - though he admits sexual harassment committed by his students . And sent a plea bargain to three and a half years in prison.
In 1999, Rabbi Haim Pardes was sentenced to six months in prison after being convicted of molesting women , fraud and breach of trust.
_______________________________________________________________________________הרב נעצר בחשד שאנס אישה שהגיעה להתייעץ עמו, ואף הטריד אותה בשיחות טלפון
טל ימין-וולבוביץ'
31/8/2004 10:54
הרב הראשי של אריאל נעצר הבוקר בחשד למעשה אונס באישה שהגיעה לבקש את עזרתו.
האישה, שנזקקה לעזרת הרב, הגיעה בתקופה האחרונה אל משרדו כדי להתייעץ איתו בנושא אישי. על-פי החשד, הרב ניצל את קרבתו לאישה ולאחר הייעוץ, אנס אותה בכוח. הוא לא הסתפק בכך, ואף הטריד אותה בטלפון לאחר המקרה. האישה, שלא יכלה לעמוד בהטרדות, נשברה והתלוננה במשטרה.
למרות התלונה, משטרת יהודה ושומרון לא יכלה לעצור בתחילה את הרב, מאחר שמדובר באישיות ציבורית. רק בהמשך, לאחר שהוצאו אישורים מיוחדים, פתחה המשטרה בחקירה סמויה שבסופה נעצר הרב בסמוך לביתו.
בשעות הצהריים יובא הרב להארכת מעצרו בבית משפט השלום בכפר-סבא. על כל פרטי החקירה הוטל צו איסור פרסום, ו-NRG מעריב הגיש בקשה לבית המשפט להסיר את הצו.
הרב שלמה עמאר, הרב הראשי הספרדי לישראל אמר: "כל זמן שאין שום הוכחה מוצקה, אנחנו בוחרים שלא להגיב".
לא מדובר במקרה ראשון של מעשה מגונה שמיוחס לרב. הרב זאב קופולוביץ, לשעבר ראש ישיבת "נתיב מאיר", הורשע על- פי הודאתו בהטרדות מיניות שביצע בתלמידיו. ונשלח בעיסקת טיעון לשלוש וחצי שנות מאסר.
בשנת 1999 נידון הרב חיים פרדס לשישה חודשי מאסר בפועל לאחר שהורשע בביצוע מעשים מגונים בנשים, מירמה והפרת אמונים.
Translated to English using Google Translate
Great city of Ariel suspected of rape
Rabbi arrested for allegedly raping a woman who came to consult him , and harassed her with phone calls
Phone right - and Mabovich
31/08/2004 10:54
Chief Rabbi Ariel was arrested this morning on suspicion of raping a woman actually came to ask for his help.
The woman , who needed the aid of the rabbi, recently came to his office to consult him on the subject personally. The - allegedly used the proximity to great woman and consultation , raped her by force. Is not satisfied , and harassed her on the phone after the incident . The woman , who could not stand the harassment , broke down and complained to the police.
Despite the complaint, Judea and Samaria police could not stop the rabbi first , since it is a public personality . Only later , after the special permits issued , the police arrested an undercover investigation after which Rabbi near his home.
Afternoon will be great to extend his detention in the village magistrate - Grandpa. The details of the investigations imposed the gag order , and NRG Ma'ariv applied to the court to remove the order.
Rabbi Shlomo Amar , the Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel said : "As long as there is no solid proof , we choose not to respond."
This is not the first case of indecent acts attributed to Rabbi . Rabbi Zev Kopolovitz , former head of Yeshivat "Path Meir " , was convicted - though he admits sexual harassment committed by his students . And sent a plea bargain to three and a half years in prison.
In 1999, Rabbi Haim Pardes was sentenced to six months in prison after being convicted of molesting women , fraud and breach of trust.
New Mikvah in Ariel
Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) - October 7, 2007
After several years of efforts, residents of the Shomron city of Ariel inaugurated the city’s second mikvah (ritual bath) on Saturday night. The population of the city has grown over the past several years, city officials said, and the city turned to the government for help in building a second mikvah in 2001.
Residents say that the mikvah was finished only after city leaders put heavy pressure on the government. Several city and government officials attended the inaugurations ceremony, including city Rabbi Shalom Nagar, Mayor Ron Nachman, Deputy Mayor Emanuel Yaakov, and the minister in charge of religious affairs, Yaakov Cohen.
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