Sunday, October 07, 2012

Case of Claude Neufeld

Case of Claude Neufeld

Chabad Lubavitch of Staten Island - Staten Island, NY

Charged with sexual conduct against a child and weapons possession.  According to reports Claude Neufeld was accused of molesting an 8-year-old boy for over 20 months inside Chabad Lubavitch of Staten Island.   If you or anyone else you know was abused by Claude Neufeld, please contact your local rape crisis center and or the police.

The Awareness Center is also looking for a photograph of Claude Neufeld, if you have one, please forward it to: vickipolin@

  Table of Contents

  1. Staten Island man accused of molesting boy inside religious center (October 6, 2012) 
  2. NYPD Daily Blotter (October 6, 2012)


Staten Island man accused of molesting boy inside religious center
By Frank Donnelly,
Staten Island Live - Saturday, October 06, 2012

Chabad Lubavitch of Staten Island
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- A 64-year-old Willowbrook man turned a haven into a horror, molesting an 8-year-old boy 10 times over 20 months inside a Jewish center in Meiers Corners, prosecutors allege.

Claude Neufeld, a French native, abused the boy between Jan. 14, 2011, and Sept. 21 of this year inside the Chabad Lubavitch of Staten Island center, according to court papers.

Those documents said Neufeld touched the victim's genitals over his clothes on 10 occasions.

A law enforcement source said the incidents occurred in an upstairs room in the two-story building at 289 Harold St.

Neufeld is an occasional congregant at the center, where congregants come to pray, reflect and learn, said the source.

The source said the boy recently informed his parents of the incidents. They told a rabbi at the center who advised them to contact police, said the source.

When cops went to arrest Neufeld at his home on the 800 block of Willowbrook Road on Wednesday, they found a loaded .22 caliber revolver in the bedroom, said court papers. Neufeld told officers he also had two rifles in the closet.

Cops seized two .22 caliber long gun rifles for which Neufeld could not provide a registration certificate, said court documents.

"I don't have a license for them," court records quote him as saying.

Neufeld was expected to be arraigned Friday in Stapleton Criminal Court on a felony count of second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child, said a spokesman for District Attorney Daniel Donovan. He's also  accused of misdemeanor counts of endangering a child's welfare and criminal weapon possession.

A woman who answered the door at Neufeld's home Friday afternoon declined comment on the allegations.

A man who answered the door at Chabad Lubavitch said no one was there who had authority to speak on the case.

A message left at the center was not immediately answered.


NYPD Daily Blotter
By Doug Auer, Kevin Fasick, Jamie Schram ad Rebecca Harshbarger
New York Post - October 6, 2012

Staten Island

An ultra-conservative Jewish man repeatedly molested an 8-year-old boy between January 2011 and this past Sept. 21, authorities say. 

Claude Neufeld, 64, allegedly carried out the perverted acts in Chabad Lubavitch of Staten Island on Harold Street in Willowbrook while the victim was supposed to be attending prayer teachings.

Neufeld was a member of the congregation. 

The victim recently alerted his parents and rabbi, and they alerted cops, sources said.

When officers arrested Neufeld on Wednesday at his home, they discovered an illegal .22-caliber handgun and two rifles on the premises, court records state.

He was charged with sexual conduct against a child and weapons possession, said a spokesman for DA Daniel Donovan.



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