Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Case of Ariel Elimelech

Case of Ariel Elimelech
Jerusalem, Israel

Convicted of rape and indecent assault under aggravated circumstances, of two minors aged 14 and 17.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Man convicted of raping minors (12/12/2006)

Man convicted of raping minors
by Yuval Yoaz
Haaretz - December 12, 2006

News in Brief

The Jerusalem District Court convicted Ariel Elimelech yesterday of rape and indecent assault under aggravated circumstances, of two minors aged 14 and 17. The judges, Moshe Ravid, Orit Efal-Gabai and Aharon Farkash, accepted the claims of the prosecution that Elimelech had given rides to the two girls and then sexually assaulted them. The defense said that it would appeal the decision. Elimelech is expected to be sentenced in January, 2007.


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